Emily’s Mom’s Sticky Buns

Emily’s Mom’s Sticky Buns

IMG_9177_650pxEvery year, we have a sweet tooth soothing tradition in Emily Buehler’s bread baking class. On Thursday, students team up to make a special recipe: Emily’s Mom’s Sticky Buns. The beginning of the week is spent learning the basics of  breads like baguettes, sourdough loaves and whole wheat sandwich bread. By Thursday, students are happy to shift gears from savory to sweet for this divine gooey treat. 

The sticky buns, unrisen (on the left) and risen (on the right)

The sticky buns, unrisen (on the left) and risen (on the right)

Students begin by mixing the dough and making the rolls. Like pineapple upside-down cake, the pecan/maple syrup topping is poured into the bottom of the pan and the rolls are placed on top. The rolls rise dramatically, almost to the point where they look like they are exploding from the pan.

We bake them in the oven and when they are ready to come out, a quick flip of the pan drops the delicious rolls onto a plate (see the video below). They look and smell irresistible. So remember, Thursday afternoon is always a good time to visit bread class when Emily’s teaching! Happy baking everyone.

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