Paper Art Classes

Some pulp, a mold, maybe a deckle, and a felt – and you’re on your way to making your own paper! Use it to make cards, journal pages, book covers, box covers, or sculptural pieces.

Explore The Studio

Book & Paper Arts Studio

A state-of-the-art facility completed in 2017, this spacious, well-lit building is the home of all Book & Paper Arts, Calligraphy, Marbling, and Printmaking classes. In addition to 2,800 square feet of indoor work space, it includes a large open deck and covered porch that can be used as work areas in the warmer months.

News & Stories: What's Happening in Paper Art


Welcome to Our New Website

Our new website is here!...


Paper Thread Sculptural Basketry with Aimee Lee

If you are interested in basketry, paper art, or weaving, and want to learn new techniques, materials, and form, don’t miss our upcoming class with Aimee Lee, Paper Thread through Asia, scheduled for June 9–15, 2019. You will discover ancient techniques of transforming paper into thread, cord, small weavings, and sculptural basketry. Based on Korean and Japanese traditions of jiseung (paper basketry) and shifu (paper cloth), you will learn to spin one-ply thread and twist two-ply cord in completely different ways.


Quest: Pottery, Printmaking & Family Vacations

I met Tom Quest over meatloaf dinner in the Dining Hall on Sunday night. We quickly discovered that we were enrolled in the same class: Jim Horton’s “Great American Poster” printmaking class. I discovered Tom is a professional potter and he got his start in clay years ago at the Folk School. He and his family often come here for vacation. This particular week, his wife and daughter were taking felting & dyeing together. I sat down with him to learn a little bit more about his pottery, our class, and why the Folk School is a great place for a family vacation. Enjoy our interview!


Letterpress Printmaking with Jessica White

Next week is a special week for our Book & Paper Arts Program as our brand new beautiful studio opens its doors to students for the very first time. It’s appropriate that the first class is a letterpress printing class considering that printmaking will flourish with the new space and room for equipment and presses. We talked with instructor Jessica White who is teaching the inaugural class about her craft and process. Enjoy our interview!


The Magic of Paper Cutting with Ingrid Lavoie

The intricate paper cuts of Ingrid Lavoie draw you into a fantastic world of whimsy, nature, and storytelling. She enjoys unfolding a new work to reveal the paper’s transformation, and has been teaching others this delightful art form for several years. Enjoy our interview!


Folk School Holiday Traditions with Nanette Davidson

The month of December is a special time at the Folk School. Recently, I connected with Nanette Davidson, our longtime decorating maven and mastermind, to ask about holiday traditions at the Folk School. Enjoy our interview!


Ornamental Books and Boxes for the Holidays

Under my tree this year is another tree and it looks like this:


Handmade Catalog Paper Decorations

In the spirit of a handmade holiday, many ornaments and garlands hanging around the school were created from past Folk School catalogs. The new 2015 Folk School Catalog arrives this week, so we encourage you to re-purpose your 2014 Folk School catalog to make crafty and inexpensive holiday decorations with your family and friends.


Pushing the Handmade Envelope

“What do you like best about the Folk School?” I asked an eight-year-old friend.


In the Printmaking Studio with Gay Bryant

The ten participants watched, listened,…

Dea Sasso headshot

Resident Artist in Book & Paper Arts, Printmaking, Marbling, Calligraphy

Dea Sasso

Dea is a professional hand bookbinder, sole proprietor of Light of Day Bindery since 1988, and custom leather designer since 1970. She works on private collections; repairs and restores old books; and designs and creates new books, editions, and miniatures. She has been teaching in art institutes and privately since 1991. Dea has an MSPH and has studied and worked for numerous nationally known hand binders and conservators. She is a member of the Southern Highland Craft Guild and the Guild of Book Workers.

Lynn Ann Miller headshot

Book & Paper Arts Studio Assistant

Lynn Ann Miller

Lynn Ann was introduced to the magic of enamels in 2000. She studied with many well known instructors on both copper and silver. Making jewelry, bowls, boxes and objects of interest, she has been enamored with transparency and opacity that can be achieved and continues to stretch boundaries with the infinite possibilities this medium affords. Lynn Ann also teaches bookmaking classes at the Folk School and is the studio assistant for the Book & Paper Arts studio.

View Bio Email Jane
Rachel Watson headshot

Book & Paper Arts, Printmaking, Marbling, Calligraphy, Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Photography, Writing Coordinator

Rachel Watson

Rachel is an interdisciplinary artist working in alternative and traditional photography, printmaking, jewelry, woodworking, book arts, textiles, and installation. After completing her MFA at the University of Georgia in 2020, she digitized the 7,000-piece collection at Newcomb Art Museum in New Orleans.  Originally from Northeast Georgia, Rachel has traveled the world learning alternative photography processes and participating in photography and printmaking conferences. She is currently renovating Elf School, a historic school in Hayesville, NC, where she plans to build studios and continue her art practice while sharing her passion, skills, and experience with others at the Folk School.

Images from the Studio

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