30 Mar Jewelry Class Completes Studio Funding
It started in 1999. Four long-time friends decided to take a class together at the Folk School. Based on the time they had off, and their similar interests, they chose a jewelry class taught by our Resident Artist in jewelry, Barbara Joiner. They probably didn’t suspect that their week long class would turn into a 12 year (and running) tradition that reunites a special, tight-knit group of friends, while giving them the opportunity to hone their jewelry and metalsmithing skills. The original group of four expanded throughout the years, and now about 8 people are considered “regulars” each year in Barbara’s class. Students come from Georgia, Mississippi, Ohio, and beyond to take advantage of Barbara’s expertise to work independently on their own projects. (This year’s class was called “Unfinished Business.”)
This year, due to scheduling, the class happened to fall within Scandinavian Week. While the subject matter of the class did not necessarily have a Scandinavian theme, class members joined in the festivities, bringing Scandinavian posters to decorate their studio, Viking hats and blonde braids for everyone (including the two men in the class), and Swedish pseudonym name tags for everyone in the class.

The jewelry class during Scandinavian Week finished up fundraising efforts for the Jewelry Studio Expansion.
It was clear the group was having a grand time, but they also made a huge difference for the Jewelry Studio and the Folk School. The class got together and raised the final dollars for the Jewelry Studio expansion project. The expansion doubles the size of the studio, allowing for more work and storage space. We thank the class for their generosity and dedication to the Folk School.
Angela Rowland
Posted at 19:47h, 01 AprilIt was GREAT to see the studio expansion project nearing completion and Barbara deserves a REAL round of applause for the fortitude to envision it and work to get it paid for in such a short time. We can’t wait to see it in it’s glory next year when we come.