20 May Learn to Woodturn & Marble with Glenn Schmidt and Pam Granger Gale

Glenn Schmidt and Pam Granger-Gale are both long-standing Folk School Instructors and we are excited to welcome them to Brasstown for this new class featuring the best of both worlds, woodturning and marbling! During this class students will get to spend time in two studios. They will start the week learning to create bowls in the Woodturning Studio and then jump on over to the Marbling studio and create stunning marbled designs on their wood turned items.
Read more about Glenn and Pam and their class in our interview below! Interested in the class? Register today to secure your spot.
Notice: This Class Has Passed. Please check out our other Woodturning and Marbling classes.
JCCFS: Tell us more about your upcoming class, “Woodturning & Marbling” from July 28th – August 2nd. It’s for all levels, correct?
PGG: Students will be turning their wood items into modern marbled wonders in a matter of days. This unique class will combine two studios and instructors. Students will spend half of the day in each studio learning the arts of Marbling and Woodturning. The first project will involve turning bottle stoppers and then marbling them in the other studio. Work at your own pace, as we progress to turning and finishing small bowls.
JCCFS: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What’s your background in your medium? How did you get started?
GS: In 2016 I took my first woodturning class at John C Campbell Folk School. While I had been turning for nine years previously, the experience ignited a passion for this craft. In 2017 when I assisted my previous woodturning instructor, this fueled my interests in woodturning education even further. The same year, I decided to leave the corporate world to focus on woodturning and learn from other masters in the field.
To further embrace this new endeavor, I joined the American Association of Woodturners in 2016 and Carolina Mountain Woodturners. These organizations offered me additional opportunities to participate in demonstrations and classes to further hone my skills.
I have been assisting and/or teaching woodturning and embellishing classes at John C Campbell since 2017, in addition to serving as a demonstrator and instructor for Carolina Mountain Woodturners. I have served as a resource and mentor for others seeking to begin woodturning or improve their craft, and I enjoy the collaborative process of keeping the tradition woodturning alive.
PGG: I participated in a 2 hour workshop 33 years ago on Hilton Head Island in marbling. With my art teaching background and credentials, I set about learning more about this process and teaching at the art center I ran many years ago. I developed a client base who vacationed at HHI and returned for many years to marble tee shirts. It was the messiest process ever. Then, life happened and my family moved to North Carolina. I taught public school elementary art in a nearby county for 17 years. Along the
way I took classes from renowned marblers Dan & Regina St. John, Anne Murray, Judith Beers, and Ginny Moreland. I perfected my techniques to find my style of teaching which I continue to offer at my own studio in the ever popular River Arts District of Asheville.
Marbling is a most ”Majikal” process! Dropping the paint and watching it expand is mesmerizing and relaxing and I fell in love after one short lesson. The process, marbling, has a one thousand year old history dating back to Japan and Suminagashi, which I really like. The process is easy to teach and newcomers can accomplish the skills within the class time of a week.
JCCFS: Tell us more about your class’s specific technique or process.
PGG: Combining woodturning with marbling is a unique process. Marbling is well known on papers and fabrics, which are both flat. A three dimensional bowl presents new challenges. Once you have skills for the process, applying to the bowl will be fun and inventive.
GS: Students will be learning two crafts in this week long class. In the woodturning class students will learn to safely operate a wood lathe and sharpen their turning tools. Students will start the week turning spindles. Then learn the craft of turning and sanding ornaments, chain pulls and wooden bowls. What makes this class unique is that students will also learn marbling wood and how to finish these one of a kind treasures.

Marbled bowls similar to class project!

Marbled fan pulls!

Turning a bowl on the lathe

Beautiful marbled designs!

Marbled papers hanging outside the Book Arts Studio

Class working in the Woodturning Studio!
JCCFS: What can students expect to leave your class with?
PGG: Students will leave with loads of marbled papers, and an equal large sum of marbled bowls, fan pulls, ornaments, and other turned objects.
GS: Students will leave with a full understanding of woodturning and marbling both paper and wood. They will have the flexibility to spend time completing a few projects or work on several projects focusing on turning and marbling. We will support students working at any pace with the goal of being creative and having a lot of fun.
JCCFS: What is your favorite aspect or part of the Folk School? What do you most look forward to when coming back to
teach on our campus?
GS: My first visit to the folk school was a life changing experience for me. I’m always inspired by the kindness, joy and respect shared by the John C Campbell staff, instructors and students. I feel so blessed and always look forward to my opportunity to share my passion for woodturning in this inspiring community of kind souls.
PGG: I look forward to the creative comraderies of the classroom and with this multiple studio week we will have double the fun.
JCCFS: Where do you draw inspiration from for your work?
GS: I’m so proud to have become a master woodturner and have the opportunity to pass this Appalachian craft on to others. I love turning a piece of salvaged wood, allowing Mother Nature to share her treasures hidden with me.
PGG: I frequently hike in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and find microscopic beauty as well as telephoto landscape beauty which I love to replicate on my silk scarves.
JCCFS: What’s one piece or craft object you’ve made recently that you are proud of, and why?
PGG: When Glenn and I were planning the class, I marbled his turned bowls and one in particular was my favorite because of an off center dark wood strip. After marbling with a light yellow, it enhanced the dark wood.
GS: In addition to teaching at the Folk School I enjoy taking classes. Recently I took a Blacksmith class where we forged stainless steel handles and copper bowls.
JCCFS: What tips would you give a student or aspiring craftsperson? Anything you wish you had known earlier in your career?
PGG: Do what you love from the start, don’t let anyone discourage you!
GS: I truly wish I had found John C Campbell much earlier in life. This place opened my world to a more peaceful, satisfying and creative way of life.
JCCFS: Where can folks find you if they want to stay up to date on your work?
GS: I openly share my email and phone number. I’m open to answering student questions. Since retiring from corporate life I’m trying to focus on outdoor and creative activities, not a computer. I don’t use social media or have a website; however I do sell my work in art galleries on a consignment basis.
PGG: www.majik-studios.com, my Instagram @Majik Studios 207 or Facebook @Majik Studios 207

Pam’s marbled scarf

Glenn’s spalted maple natural edge bowl!
Upcoming Class with Pam Granger Gale and Glenn Schmidt
Woodturning & Marbling
Turn your wood items into modern marbled wonders in a matter of days. This unique class will combine two studios and instructors. Students will spend half of the day in each studio learning the arts of Marbling and Woodturning. The first project will involve turning bottle stoppers and then marbling them in the other studio. Work at your own pace, as we progress to turning and finishing small bowls. All levels welcome. $
Notice: This Class Has Passed. Please check out our other Woodturning and Marbling classes.

About Glenn Schmidt and Pam Granger Gale
Glenn Schmidt began woodturning in 2009. His part-time hobby became a burning passion in 2016 when he took his first class at the Folk School, built a new studio, invested in more equipment, joined the Carolina Mountain Woodturners (CMW) and the American Association of Woodturners. Glenn mentors, demonstrates for, and served as a CMW board director for four years. Glenn has been teaching and assisting at the Folk School since 2017. He enthusiastically focuses on safety, expanding turning skills, and overall enjoyment of the art of woodturning.
Pam Granger Gale graduated from a small college in upstate South Carolina with a BA in art education. She has taught elementary art in public schools for over thirty years, all the while pursuing her own love of papermaking and marbling in her spare time. Now she continues to develop her marbling skills through practice and taking advanced level classes. Visit her website or see her work on Etsy.
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