06 May Tickets for Empty Bowls are sold out

NOTICE: This event is sold out!
We are excited to continue this tradition and raise awareness about hunger in our communities. The event is schedule for Saturday June 8, 2024, in the Folk School Dining Hall. Tickets are $50.00 and available for purchase! Admission includes soup, salad, bread, beverage, and a handmade bowl!
All profits from the event will benefit food banks that serve Clay and Cherokee counties: the Sharing Center in Murphy, Matt’s Ministry, Cherokee County Food Bank, and Clay County Food Pantry. The 2023 event generated $14,000, and we hope to raise even more this year.
Don’t miss out on this wonderful community event. Buy your ticket today!
Admission includes soup, salad, bread, beverage, and a handmade bowl. Tickets are $50.00 and are now available for purchase on the Folk School website at https://folkschool.org/emptybowls
The Folk School is proud to partner with Neighborhood Grill and The Crown Brasstown for this event. A huge thank you to both of these restaurants for providing food, and thank you to all the potters who made and donated bowls!
4-5 p.m. – Stop by the craft shop for their 15% off sale on all pottery!
5 p.m. – Doors open in the Community Room for bowl preview, selection, and brown bag raffle.
6 p.m. – Dinner served in the Dining Hall.
6:15 p.m. – Additional bowls and raffle tickets will be available for sale.
6:45 p.m. – Brown Bag Raffle winners are announced.
Buy your tickets online today
This year, tickets for Empty Bowls will be sold exclusively online. Tickets are $50 and are available for purchase now. Admission includes soup, salad, bread, beverage, and a handmade bowl. Empty bowls tickets are first-come, first-serve, so make sure to buy your tickets in advance to secure your spot!
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