11 Mar From Garden to Table: Lettuce Eat!
The Folk School’s vegetable garden provides organic, seasonal produce for our Dining Hall and our Cooking Studio. This time of the year, lettuce, kale, mustard greens, and collards transfer from their green house tray location to the earth. Volunteer Coordinator/Gardener Joe Baumgartner and the Work/Study crew have been busy tending to the seed starts and prepping beds since January.
Much of what is planted in the garden supplies and supplements the salad bowl and vegetable dishes in the Dining Hall. When you enter the Dining Hall check out the sign next to the menu board which details exactly what the Dining Hall is using from the garden each week. Next time you enjoy salad or veggies at lunch or dinner in the Dining Hall, take a post-meal stroll over to the Vegetable Garden to see what’s growing.
Have you started you own garden at home? We offer many classes in Gardening and Homesteading to help you get started.
Going Organic with Jane Burke, Mar 21-23
Celebrate the arrival of spring! Discover how to create a bountiful vegetable garden without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers by understanding the use of crop rotation, beneficial insects, and integrated pest management. Learn about square-foot gardening, compost piles, cover crops, and much more.
Gardening and Creativity Workshop with Lisa Wagner, Apr 11-13
Explore the creative side of gardening in this workshop based on Fran Sorin’s book Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening. The school’s gardens and natural areas will be our canvas for exploring our relationships with plant form, texture, scent, and spirit, while connecting with the nature of plants. Exercises focused on observing, remembering, imagining, and envisioning will include collage-making, journaling, writing, and designing with plants.
Biodynamic Gardening with Darby Smith, Apr 20-26 (Earth Week)
Get an introduction to biodynamic agriculture and how it can benefit your farm or garden. We’ll explore the connectivity of plants and animals to the world in which they live and the essential forces of the cosmos. Identifying these relationships and treating them homeopathically can repair soils, encourage plant health, and impart necessary energies into the growing space.
Sustainability in Your Backyard with Jennifer Cordier, Apr 27-May 2
Those who understand the natural world and work within that balance are well prepared to sustain a healthy and satisfying lifestyle. Explore backyard organic food production including soil testing, organic amendments, composting, lasagna gardening, raised beds, container gardening, and home greenhouse management. Become familiar with native plants and their uses and explore alternative energy sources.
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