[caption id="attachment_10936" align="aligncenter" width="480"]

Class Photo: Yoruba Batik, Adire, and Tie Dye
with Gasali Adeyemo[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10935" align="alignright" width="230"]

Gasali and Charlotte by the indigo dye pot[/caption]
I had the pleasure of assisting in the
Science of Bread class in the Cooking Studio at the beginning of this month. As a class that produces more warm crusty delicious bread than we know what to do with, you can imagine that we make friends with other classes pretty quickly. Our next door neighbors in the Wet Room, the Surface Design and Dyeing Class with Gasali Adeyemo and assisted by Charlotte Crittenden, received the bulk of the bread bounty. In return, their class invited us to watch one of the most exciting moments of their class: the magic moment of the indigo dye pot!